Meet Jackie

Are you trying to put the pieces back together?
Lifetime Retirement Income
Jackie is a mother, grandmother and a recent widow. Her happy life with a wonderful family recently changed when her husband of 40 years passed away. Jackie’s story is not uncommon. Hidden in plain sight, surviving spouses often inherit the outcome of their loved one’s efforts.

Her husband James was very handy, a conservative saver and good at managing all the finances. James and Jackie created a nest egg of $1 million by investing conservatively and keeping an eye on expenses. 

Their plan was for a modest retirement that included some travel and spending more time with their children and grandchildren.
Jackie's Questions
Jackie wants to remain independent and ultimately move forward. Right now, a grieving Jackie is unsure what ought to come next and needs advice. 

She wonders: “Did we save enough?” and “What happens to my Social Security payments?” and “Will I need more income?”

Let Us Help You

Who can create lifetime income?
Any individual can benefit from our services. However, you need to be ready to plan for your future in order to create an account with us.
How do I get started?
It's easy!  Download our Wealth Plan and start mapping your lifetime income.  Take a few moments to complete it. Simply click the "Start Here" button on the top of our website and fill in all the required fields.

Let's Connect

What if i have questions?
We focus on empowering women to create a secure future using tax-free and guaranteed income strategies.

I consider it my duty to ensure your customized retirement plan addresses your life purpose and secures your lifestyle.

Book a call or download my financial clarity planner.
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